Certified Introspective
Hypnosis Practitioner

Donna Wunsch
Certified Introspective
Hypnosis Practitioner

I work with Quantum energy and have a certification as an:
- Introspective Hypnosis Practitioner,
- Transferance Healer
- Angel Intuitive
I currently offer Introspective Hypnosis sessions to clients online. The session is very fluid and no two sessions are alike. Each session is individualised. I am intuitively guided to facilitate a session that your soul needs while following the principles of Introspective Hypnosis.
Each session is safe and confidential. It is a time of self care. The important thing to remember is that you are in complete control at all times. This is a time for you to explore your subconscious. It is your time. You may choose to write down a few things you want to achieve prior to the session and we shall then see where your soul takes you. Feel free as a client to ask as many questions that you need, to assist you to understand the process or the session. I personally, have seen the healing impact an Introspective Hypnosis session has had on clients and I feel honoured that clients put their faith in me to facilitate their session.
I have always worked long hours and seven days a week. I have qualifications in Special Education, Health Science and have owned and operated a Long Day Care centre for 13 years while at the same time raising four children with my husband. If you are feeling exhausted reading this, then that is what I want to convey. In my career, I was outwardly looking, helping people as an Orthoptist, as a teacher of children and those with special education needs. I was the supreme observer of everyone else, and always looking for the evidence based approach in my work. Secretly, I wanted to be Sam from Bewitched and conjour magic by wiggling my nose. I knew I had seen that scary thing in my window at 5 years of age but I hid under the covers and prayed. It went away. In that moment I learnt, that I was powerful and in control.I have always been fascinated by optical illusion and perception. As I got older, I continued to explore this unseen world and studied energy healing, channeling and other quantum concepts.
Children are the wisest of all. They live in the present and ask the most powerful question "But why?! Things happened in my life and I began to look inward and at times tortured myself with that very same question. These moments however were the catalyst for change and have shaped who I have become. Our soul knows "why we do what we do" we just need to ask it and listen.
The saying "When the student is ready, the teacher will come" was very true for me. It was important that I heard the knock on the door. When I did not pay attention the knock became louder until I could not ignore it anymore. I remember laying in bed at 3am exhausted, emotional with my fourth child a few months old and thinking "Is this it?" I knew there had to be more. Thank goodness for a 3am infomercial. I learnt alot by using the principles taught by Anthony Robbins. I credit these techniques in helping me rewire my thinking and making massive change in my life. This was the beginning of my journey and as my immediate family phrased "Googoolahlah".
It was during a group hypnosis with Dr. Brian Weiss, that I began to understand how past life experiences can impact your present moment, decisions, relationships and patterns you repeat. When I watched Alba Weinman conduct an hypnosis session,I knew I needed to learn more about facilitating healing in these scenarios. I am grateful to Alba and Antonio Sangio for taking the Introspective Hypnosis Course to a wider community and sharing their expertise that they learnt on their journey.
Introspective Hypnosis
Introspective Hypnosis is a method developed by Aurelio Mejia; it combines multiple hypnosis techniques to create a powerful method proven to treat multiple conditions in just one session. Introspective hypnosis helps people journey in search of the origin of psychosomatic symptoms such as pain, sadness, depression, fears, phobias, relationship issues, and addictions.
Hypnosis is a non-intrusive therapy where YOU are always in control. There are many myths surrounding hypnosis, including the ideas that people in a hypnotic state may act against their will or reveal private information. These are all myths only seen in movies, and do not occur in real-life sessions. A hypnotic state is more like a vivid daydream, where you remain in control. Morals and ethics remain intact, as does your sense of privacy.
Hypnosis is non-invasive and has no side effects. Most people are not aware that they undergo hypnosis every day. The trance-like feelings you experience while reading a book, watching a movie, or daydreaming are all hypnotic states characterised by focused attention.

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I look forward to meeting you soon.

Donna Wunsch